Season 1: Episode 1
Over the last two years Each and Every Child have been working across Scotland to share the research and our robustly tested Framing Care Experience toolkit, with so many of you joining us on our journey to use the framing recommendations to shift public attitudes around care experience and challenge the stigma and discrimination that impacts on people with experience of care. Today, the Each and Every Child team is delighted to launch a podcast series that will focus on hearing from people with lived experience who have been exploring the framing recommendations.
One of the greatest privileges in being involved in the initiative is working with our Voices of Experience Reference group to shape, inform and develop our work through authentic co-production. At the heart of the group is a real commitment to creating a space where relationships are at the centre. This involves fully sharing power, acknowledging individual and collective experiences and continuously challenging and learning from each other. Every step of our journey over the last two years has been guided and inspired by each member of the group. The insights and knowledge that have been shared are a constant reminder of the power of what can be achieved when lived and learned experience are brought together, creating space to truly listen to each other and seek solutions. We are so delighted to share the members own journey of framing care experience to a wider audience and hope you find it as thought provoking and insightful as we do.
The aim with the podcast series is to share conversations that will help us understand the impact that speaking about personal experiences of care can have, challenge how individual stories are used by others and inform how we can all make sure stories are told in safe, supportive environments. On our first episode we are joined by Voices of Experience members Roseanna Campbell and James Docherty to discuss what it is like to tell your story, when has this not felt safe, and what considerations should be made to support people who are speaking about their experience.
By continually listening and learning from each other’s experiences, making real connections across communities and taking action to change how we speak, we will create a collective voice that champions a new narrative around care and care experience. A narrative that shifts public understanding and tackles commonly held assumptions about care experience and the care system. This will challenge stigma and discrimination and builds public support for the changes we can, and must, achieve across the country to improve the lives of all our children, young people and families.
We hope you enjoy listening!
Best wishes
Claire O’Hara (Programme Director, Each and Every Child)
Michael Wield (Programme Officer, Each and Every Child)
Episode Note
Each and Every Child is an initiative that is focussed on using robustly tested framing techniques to create a new narrative around care, one that shifts public attitudes and increases understanding about care experience and the care system. Based on FrameWorks UK research into how the Scottish public thinks about care experience, and how care experience is discussed by media, individuals and organisations across Scotland, eight framing recommendations were produced to change how we speak about care experience. The recommendations have been tested to tackle stigma and discrimination, whilst building support for improvements to the care system to help Keep The Promise.
Voices of Experience have been central to the work of the initiative from the beginning and throughout. The Voices of Experience Reference group is made up of six individuals with diverse backgrounds and experiences of care. The group has influenced the whole of the initiative, including coproducing work for people with lived experience of care.
In this first episode we are joined by two members of our voices of Experience reference group: Roseanna Campbell, Participation Officer Care Experienced Young People at Edinburgh City Council, and James Docherty, whose work includes supporting the Violence Reduction Unit. They are joined by host Claire O’Hara, Programme Director at Each and Every Child, to discuss why we frame our stories what the impact can be if people are not supported properly when speaking about their experience of care.
The Each and Every Child Toolkit can be found here
The research and methodology behind the initiative, conducted by FrameWorks UK, can be found here
A transcript of the audio recording can be found here