What We Do
Each and Every Child is an initiative that was set up to share the framing research and recommendations across Scotland. We work in collaboration with FrameWorks UK.
We have three main aims which we achieve through key areas of work:

Shift public attitudes toward the ‘care system’ and those with experience of care.

Put people with lived experience of the ‘care system’ at the centre of the discussion to create effective communication going forward.

Inform and engage those who work in the sector to improve and strengthen their communication, practice, and impact.

Voices of Experience
It is vital that people with lived experience of care are at the heart of the work to positively change the public narrative around the care system and the children and young people within it.
A key priority of the Each and Every Child initiative is to work alongside people with lived experience to explore the reframing techniques when they speak about care experience and the care system. We work with our Voices of Experience Reference Group to co-design and co-deliver this work.

Awareness Raising
A key part of Each and Every Child’s work is to raise awareness of framing and its potential to change the lives of people who have experience of care across Scotland. To do this, we have developed a suite of free framing sessions that support organisations and individuals to understand and embed the framing recommendations into their work.
We also provide FrameChecks to organisations on specific pieces of work to help embed the framing recommendations.

Promise Partnership
We are delighted to have received Promise Partnership funding in 2023 to explore how the framing recommendations can be used within report writing, and how we can influence practice change across Scotland.
“I think as we go on this journey and continue down this journey, the fact that so many more of us will be reframing our language, and we’ll be using different terms, speaking in different ways, writing in different ways, actually I think it’ll be, it’s almost like we’re changing a culture around language. And I think as more people change and move towards a new culture, it then becomes easier for people to take on that culture.”
Early Adopters
It is recognised that the most powerful way to communicate the potential of reframing is for people to see it in action. The Each and Every Child team are working intensively with The Scottish Government, The Promise Scotland and Who Cares? Scotland as Early Adopter organisations to embed framing and the toolkit across their work. This will give us examples of framing work that allow organisations and individuals to see how impactful framing can be and to get an understanding of how this can be used in their own work.