Our Team
The staff team are hosted within The Robertson Trust. We work in collaboration with FrameWorks UK to share the framing research and recommendations on how to speak about care experience and the care system across Scotland

Voices of Experience
It is vital that people with lived experience of care are at the heart of the work to positively change the public narrative around the care system and the children and young people within it. A key priority of the Each and Every Child initiative is to work alongside people with lived experience to explore the reframing techniques when they speak about care experience and the care system. We work with our Voices of Experience Reference Group to co-design and co-deliver this work.

Management Group
The initiative has a Management Group that comprises representatives from each of the funders, two consultants and representatives of The Promise Scotland. The Management Group supports the staff team with the strategic oversight of the initiative.
Our Background

How we are funded
Each and Every Child is a partnership initiative that is funded by CELCIS, Esmée Fairbairn Foundation, The Robertson Trust, Social Work Scotland and The Scottish Government.
Each and Every Child is a Life Changes Trust Legacy project.
We are delighted to have received Promise Partnership Funding in 2023.

Phase 1
In 2017, The Robertson Trust, Life Changes Trust and CELCIS collaborated with the FrameWorks Institute, internationally recognised experts in utilising communications to support social change. This collaboration helped to build an understanding of how the wider public in Scotland understood care experience and the care system, and what the common assumptions and mindsets were when thinking about this issue. This research also looked at how care experience and the care system was being discussed by media and organisations working in the sector.

Phase 2
FrameWorks UK and an Advisory Group then tested framing strategies with the public to counteract three key communication challenges when speaking about care experience. This resulted in a series of evidence-based framing recommendations that help to tell new story about the care system and the children and young people in it. One that shows what can and must change so that each and every child in Scotland can thrive, and that ends stigma against people with care experience.

Phase 3
Since 2021, Each and Every Child have been working across Scotland to raise awareness of framing, the eight recommendations and how they can be used. We work across the statutory and third sector. As the initial training has rolled out, we have expanded, developed and learned from our work with a variety of partners across the sector, including with individuals of lived and learned experience.